
Considering Airbnb has been a topic of interest of mine for quite some time, I’ve decided to conduct a research project along with a creative project, to compose an informative and artistically engaging source for individuals to refer to. This source, or magazine, which is the intent for the final product, will include different “themes” that concern Airbnb and hosts on a daily basis. The themes will enlighten readers on the relations Airbnb shares with COVID, security, real estate, interior design, and travel, just to name a few.

The main issue I’ve encountered throughout my research concerning Airbnb was that there isn’t a single source that has compiled the information (regarding the various themes of Airbnb) into one collection. There are books, magazines, articles, blogs, and Pinterest boards, but  the majority of these sources focus on only one single topic. My intent is to create the long overdue compiled collection and to show people why investing your time into Airbnb as a gig is different and worth more of your time and energy, than other modern day gigs. I hope to learn, inform, inspire and educate young adults like myself, along with others who may be tired of relying solely on a 9-5 shift income.

 I have grown to see the advancement of the evolutionary gig economy era and have watched individuals ease their personal lifestyles by creating for themselves a source of supplemental income separate from typical earnings. While the earnings themselves are intriguing, what originally caught my interest was the passion behind the company and its development. According to a piece written by Mike Jansen, the famous Airbnb bélo logo stands for four things; people, places, love, and Airbnb. Clearly, the intent behind this simple design is yet the hope to create a sense of  belonging within a strong and bonded community that can be found anywhere. Gigged, written by Sarah Kessler, has taught me that most often stability is outweighed by flexibility. However, stability oftentimes is viewed upon as a security option that is worked hard for, but ultimately not desired. Flexibility on the other hand opens up the opportunity to work hard, with the approach that freedom will allow YOUR life passions to evolve and unfold.